Every Child Deserves a Family…May is National Foster Care Month

Every Child Deserves a Family…May is National Foster Care Month

Grace Phillips

Ashland Beacon

foster care

May is National Foster Care Month.  This month was set aside to raise awareness for issues related to foster care and to celebrate foster parents, family members, volunteers, mentors, policymakers, child welfare professionals, and others that are dedicated to helping children and youth in foster care find permanent homes.  Right now in the United States, there are over 400,000 children and youth in the foster care system.  As of May 7th in our region, there were 636 children in out-of-home care.

Have you ever thought of being a foster parent?  Perhaps you are an “empty nester” or have always wanted a child.  Maybe it just didn’t happen, and you have wondered if fostering is right for you.   On May 25th, you have the opportunity to have many questions answered as well as hear from individuals who are currently serving as foster parents. 


You are invited to Dine & Discover sponsored by the Ramey-Estep Foster Care Team.  The event is from 5:30-7:00 p.m. at Re-group, 835 Central Ave., Ashland, KY.  According to Michael Ash, Director of Marketing and PR for Ramey- Estep, the purpose of the Dine & Discover event is to allow anyone interested in possibly fostering to learn more about the program without any obligation.  “They can ask questions, and talk with current foster parents and our staff to learn more about the program.  This will allow someone to decide if they want additional information on the program or if it just isn’t right for them after all.”  

The first step to becoming a foster parent is to fill out an application. According to Marci McDaniels, Director of Foster Care, “The certification process really isn’t a difficult process.  We require 30 hours of training and a home study that consists of a number of questionnaires and other documentation.  The time to complete the process depends on the motivation of the individual but the average length to become certified as a foster parent is 3-4 months.”  Applicants must also pass a background check and a physical, be 21 or older and have an income. 

Anyone can become a foster parent… single mom, single dad, grandparents, married couples who have no children or whose children are grown…. any type of family structure.  Any type of home is acceptable…rental, owned, apartment, mobile home…it just has to be safe for a child to live in.  The average length of stay at the current time is 24 months depending on the case, and the average age of a child in foster care is 7 years old.  McDaniels said, “The purpose of foster care is to take care of the children while their parents can’t and to stand in the gap for them to provide a loving and nurturing environment until they can be reunited with their parents.” 

Foster parents are provided with monthly financial reimbursement for the needs of the children in their care.  In addition, each child also has a case manager, is provided therapy services depending on the child’s needs, 24/7 on-call support for the foster parent, and educational support.  They also are provided with health insurance by the Cabinet.  Ash added, “We also provide regular training for our parents including but not limited to basic first aid, safe medication handling, and other therapeutic needs that the child may have.  There are also other opportunities provided for families to come together and become a support system for each other such as Thanksgiving and Christmas gatherings.  We have even had outings to Camden Park in the past.”   

McDaniels remarked, “Kentucky is in a state of crisis with the need for families willing to foster teens.  There are multitudes of teens just longing for a home.”   According to McDaniels, some foster parents who have taken teens say it is really easier because they can already take care of themselves. She continued, “Teens are often misunderstood, but what they really need is just to be loved and have a home.  At what age do we stop needing a family?”

People who decide to foster are always asked if they want to take a placement when a child is available. They are never under any obligation to take a placement.  It is the goal of the system to make a placement that works with the dynamic of the existing family.  

Perhaps you would like to help have a child for short-term but don’t want to commit to being a full-time foster parent.  There is a plan for that also.  Respite care homes are needed.  These are for very short-term stays to support parents who are fostering.…maybe overnight…a few days.  Think of a visit to the grandparents, so that mom and dad can have a date night or perhaps there is a situation that the foster parents have to go out of town for a few days or have a hospital stay.  The child will only stay in the respite home for a short while…no longer than 2 weeks at most and then return to the original foster home.

If you would more about becoming a foster parent, call Kelli Horn at 606-547-4400 ext. 24685 to reserve your spot for Dine and Discover on May 25th.  Refreshments will be provided. 

Every child deserves a loving home….is it yours?

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