No Runner Left Behind Johnson Preps for 300th Race

No Runner Left Behind

Johnson Preps for 300th Race

Sasha Bush

The Ashland Beacon

Neil Johnson Main Pic

Running is perhaps one of the greatest metaphors for life because you will only get out of it what you put into it. For one local runner, he understands this all too well. Neil Johnson grew up in the small town of Proctorville, Ohio with a population of less than 600. So, you are probably expecting me to say that Johnson developed a love for running at a very young age; however, that is not how this story goes.


In fact, Johnson shared that his love for running didn’t occur until his late thirties. “I didn’t develop a love for running until later in my life at age 38, actually. When I was younger, my hearing kept me depressed quite often.” Johnson’s hearing prevented him from doing many things growing up. “I found myself backing off from participating in football, baseball, and basketball in junior high. I did play golf in high school. But, after cochlear implant surgery in 2011, my life changed forever… for the better! I joined Team Toni on June 13, 2013, for my first 5k, and from that moment on fundraising and running went hand in hand in my heart! I was running with reason, and God was always by my side!” shared Johnson.

After receiving the gift of hearing, Johnson made it his life goal to always put God first in everything he does and to help others see the light that has been shined upon him. “I promised God that if He ever gave me my hearing back when I was growing up I would pay it forward to the best of my ability. Being able to overcome and let God know that you are giving your all each time you run and helping others in His name with love, inspiration, and support… that’s what it’s (running) all about.”

Since 2013, Johnson has run a total of 500 or more races. Johnson is a big fan and supporter of the Tri-State’s O’Such Tri-State Race Planners. O’Such is a group that is dedicated to hosting well-organized road running races. They also provide a safe and runner-friendly environment that sets the foundation for future years. Johnson is about to run the “Run to Salute 5K,” which is being held at Barboursville Park on October 7, 2023, at 9 a.m. This race will mark Johnson’s 300th O’Such Tri-State Race Planners race that he has run, and it’s a pretty big deal considering that Johnson hasn’t missed a single O’Such Race in the past eight years.

Johnson’s story gets even better.  In addition to being a highly dedicated runner and a runner who is undoubtedly capable of coming in first place in almost any race he enters, Johnson doesn’t run to win! In fact, Johnson can always be seen pacing the races of others with whom he competes. What does that mean? Well, pacing is the act of tailing another runner to help them stay on track, stay motivated, and finish the race.

I have personally witnessed Johnson pace a runner all the way across the finish line and then head back to find another runner to pace and bring into the finish line not once… not twice… not even three times… but four times in the same race! Why does Johnson do this? Johnson shared the perfect response to this question, “To let them see God's glory, and give them hope and confidence of a strong finish with support and love!”

So, where does Johnson find his motivation to help so many accomplish their goals? “My motivation for everything comes from God first and foremost, my family, friends, and all the survivors past and present. I want everyone to know that no matter what you have faced that the reason I run is because of YOU!” shared Johnson.

With so many races under his belt and wonderful memories made throughout the years, Johnson has touched the lives of hundreds all across the area and has no plans of stopping anytime soon. Johnson closed out our interview by sharing, “I would do this in memory of my beloved mother, Sally Johnson, who inspired me so much by overcoming the hold that drugs and alcohol had on her for 11 years before she passed away Nov 30th, 2021. Two weeks later, I got accepted to run my first Boston Marathon. Through the worst and the best times of my life, God has always been there to make sure I got through whatever lies ahead. So, it is my duty to pay it forward for the blessings in all of us.”

Therefore, we also, since we are surrounded by so greata cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance, the race that is set before us. - Hebrews 12:1

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