Crushing Your Fitness Resolutions: Expert Tips from Fitness Experts

Crushing Your Fitness Resolutions:

Expert Tips from Fitness Experts

By: Sasha Bush

The Ashland Beacon

           Personal Training Article

The start of a new year brings with it many new and exciting things. For many, this comes in the form of making New Year’s resolutions. Surprisingly, 39% of all resolutions are made by adults seeking to make a change with their overall health and fitness. Embarking upon a fitness journey can be quite overwhelming and often times many find themselves not knowing where to begin.  In addition to not knowing where to start, you are also faced with figuring out what will work best for you and your unique journey. This is where seeking out the advice of a trained professional will truly benefit you. Check out this Q and A with a few of the area’s personal trainers.

Isaiah Grimes (Ashland Area YMCA)


Certifications: NCSF Personal Trainer and American Red Cross CPR

Specialties: Functional Strength, Cardio Conditioning, TRX, Rehab Support, and Senior Training

What are some of the reasons I might want to hire a personal trainer?

“Anyone can benefit from hiring a personal trainer over attempting to go into their fitness goals alone. The reason for this is a personal trainer can be there to give you one on one real time. Expert advice and a personal trainer can make sure you’re doing everything as safe as possible. Personal trainers can also help you come up with a routine that is personal to your needs and to your fitness levels. Senior citizens, I think can see some additional benefits and hiring a personal trainer because sometimes people in the older community have certain adversities that require specialized attention when deciding what’s the best route to take on starting an exercise routine.”

I see that one of your specialties listed is that of rehab support. What exactly is rehab support, and who might benefit from this type of specialty?

“The perfect candidate for rehabilitation support services would be someone who just completed all of their physical therapy sessions and is looking to get started on an exercise routine that will help support some of the healing services and modalities used by the physical therapist. Another example of a good candidate would be someone who has maybe had some sort of rehabilitation services for past injuries or general mobility issues they want to be certain they’re getting started on a safe path to avoid re-injury of old healed injuries.”

Brooke Yanik (Ashland Area YMCA)

606.571.5595 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Certifications: Fitour Personal Trainer, Fitour Group Fitness, American Red Cross CPR

Specialties: Strength Training, Cardiovascular, and Marco Nutrition

When it comes to weight loss, most people are under the assumption that exercises are the most important thing to focus on and focus little to none on dieting. What advice would you give to someone who is just starting out on a fitness journey to help keep start out on the right foot and avoid getting overwhelmed?


“The key is to take small, sustainable steps. Rather than diving into a complete overhaul, focus on gradual changes. Begin by making simple adjustments to your diet, realistic goals, and an exercise routine you enjoy. Don’t underestimate the power of consistency. Small, positive choices add up over time.”

I see that one of your specialties is Macro Nutrition. How important is understanding what this is to someone’s fitness journey?


“Macronutrients play a crucial role in any fitness journey. For weight loss, a well-balanced ratio of macronutrients help you create a calorie deficit. Protein in particular is essential for preserving muscle mass during weight loss. When bulking up, ensuring an adequate intake of protein, along with sufficient carbohydrates and healthy fats, support muscle growth and recovery.”

Tracy Deborde (4U Fitness, KDMC Wellness Center, and Online)

606.232.6091 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Certifications: ACSM Personal Trainer, ACE Sports Conditioning, ACE Nutrition Specialist, NASM Women’s Fitness Specialist

Specialties: Strength Training, Weight Loss, Sports Conditioning, General Health, and Fitness

What advice would you give to someone who is just starting out on a fitness journey and has never stepped foot in a gym but has a desire to get started?

“If someone has never stepped foot into the gym before, hiring a personal trainer, even for a brief time, is the wisest investment they can make. Learning how to properly use equipment and structure an exercise routine that will work with their lifestyle to reach their goals quicker and safely is a trainer’s top priority.”

Why would someone who is just starting out want to hire a personal trainer when so much information can be found on the internet?

“Health and fitness requires meaningful, daily movement and a nutrient dense diet, which in itself is a simple concept; however, there is so much misinformation at our fingertips on the internet and through social media platforms, it is easy to get overwhelmed. Hiring a certified trainer can help individuals navigate what is going to work for them with their current health status.”

Viviane Khounlavong (Preferred Fitness)

606.254.7744 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Certifications: Certified Personal Trainer and Strength/Conditioning Coach, E-800RYT Yoga Instructor and Yoga Therapist, 4th Degree Reiki Master and nutrition counselor focused on naturopathic coaching.

Specialties: Hot Yoga, Yin/Restorative Yoga, Thai Bodywork, Hatha Power Yoga, Meditation.


What advice do you have for anyone who has a real desire to get started on a fitness journey but is hesitant to do so?

“Listen to your mind and body. Always honor yourself and your journey first by becoming mindful of how you treat yourself. Wellness and health start with believing in who you are, finding value in, and investing in YOU. Find a wellness plan that works for what you need and not what you see in mainstream media. Do not compare yourself but rather prepare yourself for a healthier lifestyle. As you start your journey, reflect, and ask yourself if you want quick temporary results or do you want slow, meaningful permanent change in how you feel within?”

What is one of the most important things that you can do for yourself when embarking on a fitness journey?

“Realize that learning to love yourself through the process is more important than how you look. So, take your time, give yourself grace and start with small steps. Once we put good into our mind and body, the physical part in how you shine, and glow outwardly is just an added bonus. Then you learn to love your true and authentic self.”

Lauren Howard (Ashland Area YMCA)


Certifications: Fitour Advanced Personal Training and American Red Cross CPR

Specialties: Strength Training, Circuit Training, Muscle Building, and Mobility

Many women are fearful to incorporate any type of strength training into their workout regime because of the common belief that lifting weights will make them appear “too masculine.” What advice would you give to someone who believes this?

“I would say the term “strong” scares a lot of women at first. I have been working out for as long as I can remember and often was a scared of becoming masculine and not focused on the right techniques for the longest time. Since becoming a personal trainer, I have that the privilege of educating women on the benefits of strength training and physical and mental benefits it has. I currently teach a HITT workout (high intensity interval training) which focuses on both cardio and weight training. This will help you burn calories while also building that toned figure when strive for.”


I see that one of your specialties is mobility. Who would be the perfect candidate that would benefit from this type of training?


“Mobility is something everyone can benefit from ranging from a beginner to an advanced athlete/weightlifter. Mobility exercises can prepare you for simple tasks like starting your day or prepare you for a heavy lift in the weight room. It will reduce the risks of energy and overall improve your results in daily activity or the gym.”

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