Library Quest

Library Quest

 By Jonathan Joy

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Gil got a library card, his very first.

He was so excited he could burst.

Impatiently, he set off on a walk.

“Hurry.”  Gil said.  “Only one more block.”

Gabby, the librarian, greeted Gil.

She said, “You are in for a thrill,

Cause we’ve got all kinds of books,

Big displays out front to secluded nooks.

We’ve got something for everyone, you know.

We’ll find one or two you love.  Let’s go!”

A sea of books awaited the youth.

Overwhelming, at first, to tell the truth.

From Dr. Seuss and Pete the Cat

To Corduroy and the Magic Hat.

The imaginative Where the Wild Things Are

And a story about that Lightning McQueen car.

Nancy Drew mysteries, Hardy Boys,

And one about Buzz and Woody toys.

Peanuts, Harry Potter, and Dog Man.

Classics Sleepy Hollow and Peter Pan.

Gabby suggested, “How about this one, look.

It’s about a monster at the end of this book.”

Gil interrupted, “For my sis, Goodnight Moon.

I’m sure she’ll be reading soon.

And for my brother, he’s older, you know.

He might enjoy Edgar Allen Poe.

Mom likes Star Trek.  Dad, Shakespeare.

But for me, you see, it’s not that clear.”

Gabby assured him, “There’s no hurry.

Take your time, and don’t you worry.” 

There are dozens of historical Who Was books,

And the Ninja Turtles display garnered lots of looks.

The librarian told him “You can check out twenty.”

Gil seemed relieved.  “Oh, that will be plenty.”

He grabbed Stellaluna, Garfield, and more.

Star Wars, Paw Patrol, and comics galore.

Gil was mesmerized, in the library zone,

With Robin Hood and The Sword in the Stone.

“I want even more!’ Gil would wail.

“Like this choose-your-own-adventure tale.”

Gil bounced around grabbing G.I. Joe and Spiderman,

WOW in the world, Goosebumps, fast as you can.

Treasure Island, for everyone likes a pirate story.

And Last Kids on Earth, in all its apocalyptic glory.

Add Giggle Giggle Quack and Yo Gabba Gabba to the pile.

And Sam, the Firehouse Cat.  This could take a while.

Gil thought he was done, then spotted Pumpkin Countdown.

“Oh, and this here, the one about a clown!”

Gil’s stack of books was near as tall as he,

And that brought a smile to the face of Gabby.

May the excitement of the library rub off on you, too.

Enjoy each one of those books through and through.

Libraries are truly an important place.

Everyone in the community, they embrace.

Libraries offer so much more insight.

Programs and services, try as they might.

Imagination, empathy, and critical thinking they grow.

And you don’t even have to spend any dough.

We all benefit when our libraries thrive,

So head to yours, into those stacks you should dive.

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