A Seamstress of the Wacky and Wild

A Seamstress of the Wacky and Wild

Gwen Akers

The Ashland Beacon

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Everyone knows the feeling—when you are wearing something you are confident in, feeling as if you could be or do anything. Seamstress Samantha Young brings this feeling to life—crafting, designing and altering the costumes and dresses that serve to tell the stories of their wearer.

Graduating with degrees in operatic performance and music education, Samantha Young has always had a love for the theatrical and the stories that can be woven and told through fabric.


“I was taught by my grandmother who was a seamstress. She was a basic dressmaker, very casual alterations, and she taught me everything she could until she couldn’t anymore,”  explained Young. “Once I really discovered my love for musical theater and theater in general, I noticed a really big need for people [and these services] in the industry.”

After taking a break from sewing during her college years, Young fell back into the craft after seeing the need for her sewing skills in the industry. With the perfect blend of creativity and passion, Young embarked on creating her own business: Thumb and Thimble: a Seamstress of the Wacky and Wild.

With eight years of experience in the field, Young partners with the Paramount Arts Center, Aspire Art Conservatory and more to bring to life the costumes of their dreams. Young excels not only in alterations but in designing and creating costumes and dresses from scratch. To date, Young has designed over 200 projects. Her work includes crocheting, knitting, quilting, embroidery, beading and more.

Young wants to spread the word that this line of work is not a pastime. “ I think that there's so much new design and so much to gain from knowing how to do this and being able to provide it for other people,” expressed Young. “I think this is something that everybody can find a little bit of happiness in.”

Young loves getting to carry on her grandma’s legacy and help people bring to life the stories they can tell through fabric. Young has experience in creating wedding dresses, cosplay, puppetry, equestrian wear, theatrical costumes and ballet.

Perhaps the best part of her business is getting to be a part of the story of those around her and getting to meet and talk to so many interesting people. Young, a mother and wife, also loves the family aspect of the business and her ability to spread the glory of God through this. Young knows that she owes everything she has to the Lord, and she hopes to serve him in everything she does.

“It’s really important for people to understand that this is an art, and that art fuels our lives for everything. No matter what, we're constantly surrounded by art whether we realize it or not,” detailed Young.

Young’s business is based out of the Community Trust Building, and she can be contacted on her Facebook page. You can also see her costumes on display with the Paramount’s newest production of The Little Mermaid.

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