Brandy York’s Musical Ministry
By: Sasha Bush
The Ashland Beacon

Brandy Nickole York, a native of Ashland, Kentucky, has carved a path intertwined with faith and music, sharing her journey from local roots to a burgeoning music ministry alongside her husband, Grant York, and their son, Connor, aged 12.
Born and raised in Ashland, Brandy's musical journey began at a tender age, influenced deeply by her father's musical prowess. “Music is in my DNA! My dad has always sung and played multiple instruments as well as several of my siblings. He learned when I was age three that I had the ability to stand on the platform at church and sing rather long songs from memory. I learned some basic chords on the mandolin at age 6, then on the guitar at age eight.” York recalled.
Growing up York had several musical influences, including Loretta Lynn. But her biggest musical influence was her father. “My dad is my first and number one musical influence. He saw God’s gift of music in me at a very young age, and he encouraged me to keep going even when I was a teen and couldn’t quite grasp the work I was truly doing for the Kingdom. He taught me the first three chords on the guitar, and I have been playing ever since.”
York is a 2003 graduate of Boyd County High School. After high school York went on to Morehead State University to pursue a degree in nursing. No matter what she is doing York always does everything for the glory of God. “As Colossians 3:23-24 says, ‘And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.’ (NKJV). Therefore, I see God in everything I do, whether it be singing his praises to a crowd, or in my role as a nurse, or in the apiary assisting with caring for his honeybees, who care for our environment in unique ways that only God could design.” noted York.
Brandy's musical path took a pivotal turn when she met Steven Jay Kouns at the New Life Gospel Music Association in March 2024. Kouns, like York, wanted nothing more than to sing for the glory of God. Together their shared vision for music ministry ignited a partnership that has seen remarkable success, which Brandy attributes to divine intervention. “Steven and I met in March 2024 at New Life Gospel Music Association and realized we both have a desire to grow in music ministry and it’s always fun with someone else rather than solo. So far, it’s proven to be more successful than when we were as two solo acts. It’s a God thing that we came together for the same purpose. God is blessing us in mind blowing ways!” shared an excited York.

Something that will always remain paramount in Yorks musical career is her role as a worship leader rather than an entertainer. “When I am singing in front of people I mediate on every word, praying that they feel the Holy Spirit through my music as strong as I do. I am never entertaining, rather I am leading worship. So, I hope the folks in the crowd are busy worshipping and focusing on God and singing along rather than feeling as if they are being sang to.” York noted, emphasizing it is her mission to foster worship and spiritual connection among her audience.
Beyond music, Brandy remains grounded in her faith through continuous prayer, studying the Bible, and finding strength in her church community at Christ Temple Church of Ashland. York shared, “I have several favorite Bible verses, but my favorite pertaining to my music is 2 Timothy 4:5, which says “But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.” (NKJV). The verse gives a clear understanding of what can be expected when stepping out into music ministry and what’s expected of you by God. Keep your eyes open and stay strong. Be ready to endure attacks and criticism, for you are working for the Lord and not for man. No matter how ugly it can sometimes be, fulfill the ministry which He has called you to!”
Despite the financial challenges of pursuing music ministry, Brandy finds immense fulfillment in touching lives through her songs. “This sort of thing doesn’t always pay in money, but it is sure to always pay in blessings! There’s nothing quite like having someone tell you that your song really touched them or seeing a child come to the altar while you’re singing. As for money, when I do receive a donation or love offering, it goes directly back into the ministry for supplies, fuel, food while on the road, etc. “York confesses, underscoring the spiritual rewards of her vocation.

Recently York celebrated a huge milestone by releasing her first CD. In addition to having the God given voice of an angel, York is also blessed with the ability to write lyrics that will leave you with goose bumps running down your arms. “As of now I have completed 12 songs, and I have nine that I continue to work on. I had always wanted to write songs as an adult, having written a few in my childhood. But it wasn’t until the beginning of this year that the lyrics began to flood my mind. Now the year isn’t quite halfway over, and I have 21 songs either completed or nearly completed!” shared York.
Looking ahead, Brandy hopes to expand her musical outreach, aiming to produce more albums, travel extensively to share her music, and collaborate with fellow artists. Yet, she remains steadfast in her belief that success is defined not by fame or fortune, but by faithfully fulfilling God's calling. “I simply want to use the gifts He gave me to spread the Good News through music. I pray that He uses me as a vessel always. He knows the desires of my heart; He also knows what’s best for me. An earthy desire and childhood dream of mine is to stand in the circle and sing about Him from the Grand Ole Opry stage, a show I listened to every single Saturday night growing up, simultaneously on the television and on the radio at 650 AM! I’d love to continue to produce more albums, travel to distant places to share my music, and perhaps collaborate with other well-known artists. But ultimately, if my career doesn’t go past a small country church with a handful of people in the pews, if I am doing His work and, in His will, that’s all I need.” York declared.
As Brandy continues to weave her faith into every part of her life, whether through music or her nursing profession, she embodies the spirit of Colossians 3:23-24: “Whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men and for anyone interested in pursuing music, particularly ministry … you have to be willing to travel many hours and devote many hours for little to no cash pay. But be ready to experience showers of blessings in other forms. The networking and fellowship and fulfillment of it all is worth every moment spent on the road. You cannot be in this for money or fame. But if you hear God clearly leading you to a life of music evangelism and ministry, heed the call and I promise He will bless you tenfold. He will part waters. He will make a way.” explained York.