Cookie MoMster- Where Every Bite Feels Like Home
Gwen Akers
The Ashland Beacon

Everyone deserves access to gourmet cookies, and no one should have to drive far away to satisfy their craving for the sweet and crunchy heaven of a strawberry crunch cookie. This was what was going through Jennifer Maddix’s mind as she sought her baking license and began planning her future business.

Based in Raceland, Ky, Maddix was never originally a baker. She was always interested in baking, but not sure where to start. Maddix didn’t start learning to cook until after she was married. With the help of her Aunt Christine and her Mawmaw Faye she quickly fell in love with it. Both ladies, exceptional cooks in their own rights, helped Maddox learn the “tricks of the trade” and gain confidence in her baking skills. Since then, Maddix has blossomed into a gourmet cookie chef – experimenting with different recipes and expanding her brand and expertise. “It started with an oatmeal cream pie that I replicated, and everybody loved it. It just grew from there,” explained Maddix.

After being a nurse for almost 20 years, Maddix felt it was time to take the leap she always wanted to and pursue her baking passion. Completely self-taught, Maddix has since expanded her menu and recipes since her start in 2021, with some of her most popular flavors being: the oatmeal cream pie, strawberry crunch, raspberry cheesecake cookie, s’mores, orange creamsicle, red velvet white chocolate and many more. Maddix has used her talents for fundraising and charity work as well. In recent months, Maddix has worked with local schools and groups and hopes to keep doing so. “I love getting a cookie out in the community,” explained Maddix.
Every cookie that comes from Cookie MoMster is prepared and made all by Maddix. It is important to her that each cookie be prepared by her and have the personal touch we are all looking for in our desserts.
Chasing that personal touch is why Cookie MoMster is named what it is. Maddix got started by sharing her cookies with her co-workers and asking her friends and family to try out her recipes. Soon after, her friend at work nicknamed Maddix as the “cookie MoMster,” and Maddix knew this was the perfect name for her baking business. “I feel very incredibly fortunate that people want the cookies that I am making and that I am continuously seeing repeat customers,” expressed Maddix. “That was a really big goal for me.”

Helping the community satisfy their sweet tooth is the name of the game for Jennifer Maddix and Cookie MoMster cookies. Finding their home in our community and spreading the word through social media and word-of-mouth, Maddix hopes to continue baking, and most importantly, she hopes to keep people smiling. Maddix plans to keep refining and expanding her brand, all while making her aunt and mawmaw proud.
For more information about Cookie MoMster cookies and see their complete menu, you can find them on Facebook.